Jeffrey Mallon, Professional Organizer
Services Systems Gallery Kind Words Jeff

My husband and I were recently married and experienced the joy of merging two completely full households into one...“and the two shall become one!” This proved to be more of a daunting task than originally imagined. To the point of actually “paralyzing” me in my mental and physical attempt to re-arrange my husband's items to make room for both of our things. I was “stuck” and “immobilized” until Jeffrey Mallon came into our house.

He was able to “size up” our “belongings and space,” and make tremendous recommendations...that helped turn our house into a home. He facilitated more “functional storage areas” for our closets, which opened up much more space to place our prized possessions. He used Elfa shelving which looks beautiful!!! He gave me a mantra to repeat as I made the journey through all of our stuff that needed to be placed...“Let the items you keep be something that supports you, items you will use!” “If what you have/keep isn't stuff you use or enjoy using, you probably ‘don't need it!’”

He also helped me “re-think” whether we need to hang on to things from our past, which held many memories for us...“is this item still fulfilling a need for us today?” I had to repeat the “20/80” rule many times to help put things in their appropriate place. It helped me also “marry” our many kitchen items (We both love to cook and had accumulated many special cooking and serving dishes with a variety of utensils). Needless to say, we have been able to make the move with a much smoother transition and are enjoying our time together...doing things other than “cleaning out our closets" over and over!

I must also mention that Jeff has a very soothing and calming nature that radiates from his very presence. He is an exceptional listener and is able to help you realize your dreams in a much more organized way.

We so appreciate Jeffrey and how he helped us make a great start to our new lives together!

Best Wishes! Ted and Kaye Geist :) :)